EEGer4 Home Use For Clients
Once a client has chosen an EEGer clinician to work with, they can begin a subscription to access the software and begin live training with EEGer. The supervising clinician supervises their use of the system, creates new training plans, and helps ensure they receive effective training.
Software Description
EEGer4 is a software suite designed to provide visual, aural, and sensory feedback based on electroencephalograph (EEG) brainwave signals. In its Home Use configuration, it allows for EEGer clinicians to create and plan sessions that can be sent electronically to another EEGer system that their client uses remotely. Sessions can then be run by the client directly, a member of their household, or by the supervising clinician remotely connecting to the system and making inputs in real-time.
Once a session is complete, the data can nbe reviewed remotely by the clinician or exported for evaluation on their own clinical system, allowing for adjustments to be made to the training plan.
In addition to allowing for live training, EEGer4 includes integrated modules for storing and reviewing session data, including replaying data for training or auditing purposes. The clinician is given complete control over the feedback process, including the ability to freely place sensors, reward, inhibit, or monitor specific frequency ranges, and completely customize the feedback received from the ‘game’.
Importantly, EEGer does not restrict the number of sessions that are allowed or the number of household members that can receive training with the system. Control is provided to the supervising clinician for a flat, low monthly rate.

Licensing Information
License Requirements
Licensee must work with an EEGer Clinician to supervise their use of the system.
Supervising Clinician must have access to a Clinical EEGer system (to create Home Use files).
Purchase Information
Payments processed on a scheduled monthly basis.
While subscribed, the software receives complimentary version updates and branch upgrades.
For full license and purchase information, see our Purchase Agreement.
Note: EEGer requires a Windows computer that meets minimum software requirements. For more information, see this support article.