Brain Training for Everyone









Community 🟣 Health 🟠 Learning 🟣 Liberation 🟠

Why Clinicians & Clients Choose EEGer

Core to the EEGer experience is that clinicians are given full control of the treatment process from start to finish.

What Makes EEGer Different

We believe that the clinical aspect of neurofeedback is an important one, and that clinicians should be in control throughout that training process; there should not be a ‘black box’ or press-here-for-success buttons.

Many systems advertise themselves as revolutionary or perfect for every situation. EEGer is based on the philosophy that every brain is different, and that it’s not possible for a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to brain training.

The journey that clients take to find an effective combination of treatment modalities can be a long one, with many challenges along the way. We find systems that promise guaranteed results, or claim that with a press of a button anything can be overcome, to be in poor taste and undervalue the role that clinicians and the individual receiving training play in the healing process.

Why Our Community Matters

The work we find inspiring is supporting clinicians and clients that seek real, effective brain training. We are lucky to be in a position to hear from clinicians regularly about the successes they’re finding with neurofeedback, and hearing from clients how their lives have improved.

In addition to providing support for the EEGer4 software, we organize and facilitate introductory courses, webinars, discussion groups, conferences, and mentoring networks.

EEGer is more than just a neurofeedback solution — it’s a community of clinicians and healers who share and collaborate to improve neurofeedback training and to help more people discover the benefits of neurofeedback.

What EEGer is Known For

The EEGer4 software has been in use for 20+ years and, while the software is constantly being updated, the core systems haven’t had to change all that much. This is one of the reasons we know that EEGer works as an effective treatment tool.

EEGer allows for accurate, real-time brain training to be possible across many different hardware configurations. The software allows for detailed training plans to be created, with the ability to make adjustments on the fly. It provides clinicians with the tools they need to understand the training process moment-by-moment to make informed decisions about training.

Leaders in the fields of mental health choose EEGer as their all-in-one neurofeedback solution not because of novel gimmicks, outlandish claims, or any other trick — they choose EEGer because it works.

Where Is EEGer Used?

Ready to Learn More?

Begin exploring neurofeedback with EEGer and discover how to help clients regulate their own brain state, or work with an EEGer clinician to receive live training. Following our simple three step process, you'll be empowered and enjoy successful outcomes, transforming your practice or your life.