Reviewing a Home-User’s Session Data

Reviewing session data is critical to the home use process, as it allows the supervising clinician to ensure the home-user is receiving effective and positive neurofeedback. It is also important in determining if the home-user’s equipment is functioning correctly and to address any user error that may occur due to the home-user’s inexperience with neurofeedback.

There are two main ways of receiving session data from your home-user depending on if you are seeing them in person or are only remotely supervising their use of the software.

Reviewing Session Data via Consultation Export (.ECE)

This option is recommended if you do not often see your home-user in person or are supervising your home-user remotely. This involves the home-user creating an export file which is emailed to and installed on the supervising clinician’s computer.

By default, EEGer encodes consultation export files for HIPAA compliance. This will create a new Client ID in your list of clients using a series of alphanumeric characters to protect confidential client information when sent over the internet or between EEGer users. The new Client ID will contain all of the home-user’s session data for your review.

If you would prefer the session data to be imported to an existing Client ID and not be encoded, please have your home-user follow these steps on their system:

  1. Navigate to Options>EEGer Configuration Options>HIPAA from the top toolbar on the main screen of EEGer.

  2. Uncheck 6 Encode Client ID on Consultation Export.

  3. Click Close preferences window at the bottom of the window to save these settings.

Creating an EEGer Consultation Export (Instructions for Home-User)

  1. With the home use flash drive and dongle connected to the home use computer, navigate to Files>Consultation Import/Export>Export Consultation Data from the top toolbar on the main screen of EEGer.

  2. Select the home use Client ID and click on the Raw data and Summary data files for the sessions you would like to export. Selected files display with red text - you can deselect files by clicking on them once selected.

  3. Click OK and an ECE file will be created on the computer’s desktop. This file contains the exported session information and details about the Client ID.

  4. Email this file to your supervising clinician to allow for the session data to be reviewed.

Installing an EEGer Consultation Export

  1. Download the ECE file sent from your home-user and save it to the desktop of your clinical system.

  2. With your clinical dongle connected to your computer, navigate to Files>Consultation Import/Export>Import Consultation Data from the top toolbar of the main screen of EEGer.

  3. Select the ECE file from the desktop of the computer that was downloaded in Step 1.

  4. A menu will appear showing a list of the sessions included in the ECE file. You may choose to import all of these files or only a portion of them. To quickly select all sessions, click the protocol class at the top of the window - this will highlight all sessions with red text.

  5. Click OK to finish importing the session data - you will receive a message confirming that the installation was successful.

[Legacy] Directly Import From Home Use Flash Drive

Note: These steps are only for users on older versions of EEGer which still use an external flash drive for Home Use. For users who receive Home Use Client Files via email or via the EEGer Cloud, these steps do not apply.

Clinicians that see their client in-person and who are using an older version of EEGer for Home Use can download Home Use session files directly onto their clinical system. This requires an initialized Home Use flash drive, and will add this information to the appropriate Client ID on your list of active clients. To import this data:

  1. Connect the home use flash drive to your EEGer system. Make sure your clinical dongle is connected to the computer before opening EEGer.

  2. Navigate to Client>Remote-use Options>Retrieve Remote-use Data from USB Memory Stick from the top toolbar on the main screen of EEGer.

  3. This will begin the process of importing session data on the flash drive onto your clinical system.


How to Transfer EEGer Between Computers


Creating Home Use Client Files (EKC, EKR)