Removing or Adjusting Rest Periods in EEGer
Feedback Displays in EEGer make use of a Rest Period which is stored separately than an individual Client ID's protocol. This Rest Period is configured on a game-by-game basis, and can be adjusted by the clinician using the Tailored Installed Games tool.
To adjust the Rest Period, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to Tools>Tailor Installed Games from the top toolbar of EEGer's main display.
- Locate the feedback display (game) to adjust the Rest Period for - press Edit next to the game's name.
- For EEGer's base feedback displays, locate option 5: Pause time in seconds between periods - by default, this will be set to a value of 10 seconds.
- Adjust the value to the desired time (in seconds) that the Rest Period should last.
- If desired, locate option 4: Run time in seconds for each period to adjust the length of each period (time between Rest Periods). By default, this value is set to 170 seconds.
- Once finished press Replace selection with changes to override the existing game. This will allow the changes to apply to any Client ID that uses this game.
- On the list of all games, press SAVE all games to return to EEGer's main screen.
Eliminating the Rest Period can be done by extending 4: Run time in seconds for each period to a value that is greater the run time set on the plan session screen for each stage. Provided EEGer is also set to pause when a stage is completed, this will prevent a rest period from occurring, as the game will never run long enough (without pausing) to reach the rest period. For example, if the plan session screen is configured to have a stage last for 180 seconds, tailoring 4: Run time in seconds for each period to a value of 200 will prevent EEGer from ever reaching this rest period.