Potions by Ardea Games

Game Description

In Potions, the client is tasked with helping a wizard in their apothecary. Three bottles of boiling liquid are the focal point of this feedback display. The goal is to fill the middle bottle while keeping the other bottles as low as possible. Similar to other feedback displays with which clients and clinicians are already familiar, the middle bottle represents the reward trace's amplitude while the bottles to the left and right represent that of the inhibits. Trace meters in the top right give real-time amplitude data and information for traces beyond the default low inhibit, reward, and high inhibit. Additional feedback is provided by the fire animation under each beaker which increases or decreases based on the ratio between the trace’s amplitude and thresholds. For each reward, the score counter increases and a magic star appears from the center bottle. There is also a special animation for staying in complete reward state for several seconds.

Game Options

  • Game reward sound


  1. Navigate to EEGer's support site.
  2. Download Potions by clicking the version link in the second column.
    1. If the computer used with EEGer does not have access to the internet, download the game onto another device and transfer the installer to the EEGer computer using an external storage device (hard drive, flash drive, etc.).
  3. Run the Potions installer and click Yes or OK when prompted.
    1. If prompted, restart your computer.
  4. Ensure that the latest enabling keyfile for the EEGer license is installed.
  5. Open EEGer and navigate to Tools>Game Initialization Tool.
  6. Click Done-Save Configuration at the bottom of the menu.
  7. Click SAVE all games at the bottom of the next menu.

Cannot Select Neurobit Optima Device Within EEGer


How to Enable Investigational Devices