Neurofeedback Research

EEG neurofeedback for inattention in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Ciaran S Clarke, Finian Bannon, Norbertas Skokauskas in Clarke Ciaran S Bannon Finian Skokauskas NorbertasEEG neurofeedback for inattention in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHDCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Protocols 2011 Issue 7 John Wiley Sons Ltd Chichester UK (2011)

Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Treatment for ADHD

Nicholas Lofthouse, Keith McBurnett, L Eugene Arnold, Elizabeth Hurt in Psychiatric Annals (2011)

A Position Paper on Neurofeedback for the Treatment of ADHD

Leslie Sherlin, Martijn Arns, Joel Lubar, Estate Sokhadze in Journal of Neurotherapy (2010)

CLINICAL EEG and NEUROSCIENCE Efficacy of Neurofeedback Treatment in ADHD : the Effects on Inattention , Impulsivity and Hyperactivity : a Meta-Analysis

Martijn Arns, Sabine De Ridder, Ute Strehl, Marinus Breteler, Anton Coenen in Clinical EEG And Neuroscience (2009)


Research Links

Research References

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University programs / Researchers

  • M. Barry Sterman, UCLA
  • Joel Lubar, Univ of Tennessee [*]
  • Peter Rosenfeld, Northwestern University [*]
  • Bethel College, Dept. of Nursing, North Newton, KS
  • Eugenia Bodenhamer-David, Univ of North Texas
  • D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., UT Sch of Med [*]
  • Sebastian Striefel, Ph.D., Ctr for Persons with Disabilities, UT State Univ
  • Widner University, Philadelphia, PA
  • Richard Silberstein, Univ of Swinbourne, Australia
  • Christian Loos, Univ of Swinborne, Australia
  • Jiri Tyl, Charles Univ, Prague, Czech Republic
  • John Gruzelier, Ph.D., Imperial College, London, UK

Hospital Programs

  • Daniel Freeman Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
  • Occupational Health, Comanche Cty Memorial Hospital, Lawton, OK
  • St. Peters Hospital, Helena, MT
  • Wellness Clinic, St. John’s Hospital, Jackson, WY
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Univ Medical Ctr, Salt Lake City, UT

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