Mazes Stopping Abruptly
There are 3 different ways in Mazes that a new maze and the scoring screen can be triggered: finishing the maze, reaching the end of the timer set in the Plan Session screen, or reaching the end of the automatic rest timer.
By default there is a 200 second (user configurable) timer on all the games that will trigger a ten second rest period. If this is met before the end of the maze, it will pull up the score screen and start a new maze. If you reach the end of the maze before the timer ends, it refreshes with the next maze.
There is also a run time set in the plan session screen. If you reach the end of the maze with 30 seconds or less left on your run time, EEGer will pause and not start the next period unless you hit F5 to start the next period. Whenever you start the next period, the timer is now set for your next setup. For instance, if you planned your session to train C3-A1 for 2 minutes, and then C4-A2 for 3 minutes, and you reach the end of the maze at 1 minute and 45 seconds, EEGer will pause until you hit F5 to start the next period, which would be C4-A2 with a 3 minute timer.
However, if you reached the end of the maze in the above scenario at the 1 minute and 15 second mark, a score screen will be triggered, and a new maze will begin. This time, however, EEGer will not pause. You will get a 10 second rest period, but it will automatically begin a new maze and finish the remaining 45 seconds of the first C3-A1 setup. Once it gets to the end of that timer, even if you have not finished the maze, it will pause, pull up the score screen, and start a new maze. This abruptly ends the maze.