Installing New Feedback Displays (How to Install Games)
EEGer includes several core games, but can also be used with many additional games available for purchase. Most games can be freely downloaded and tested in demonstration mode, but must be purchased to use for live training. To install a new game, follow the instructions below.
If installing DVDGame, please follow the instructions found here.
If installing Zukor Interactive games, please follow the instructions found here.
For all other games:
Navigate to EEGer's support site and locate the game to be installed.
Download the game onto the EEGer system. The game can be downloaded by clicking the version link in the second column of each row.
If the EEGer system is not connected to the internet, the game installer can be transferred using an external storage device.
Once the download has finished, run the installer. Click Yes or OK when prompted to complete the installation process.
If purchasing a new game, make sure the latest enabling keyfile is installed. This will allow the game to be run during live training.
Once the game is installed, open EEGer.
Navigate to Tools>Game Initialization Tool from the top toolbar of EEGer's main screen to allow EEGer to check for the new game.
After a moment, a list of installed games should appear. Click Done-Save Configuration at the bottom of the menu.
Click SAVE all games at the bottom of the next menu and return to EEGer's main screen.
The new game should now be installed and can be selected when running a live or replay session.
Note: Most extra games require EEGer to be in Dual Monitor mode in order to be used for live or replay sessions. Instructions on how to adjust EEGer's display settings can be found in this article. Games preinstalled onto the EEGer system such as Iris and Hues do not need to be downloaded and installed.