How to Change Frequencies During Live Session

Filtered trace frequency ranges can be adjusted during live or replaying sessions. This is useful to make on-the-fly adjustments to the training being performed, or to monitor activity outside of the ranges specified on the Plan Session screen.

Adjustments made during live training will be reflected on the Review Screen but will not change the frequency ranges defined by the Plan Session screen. To permanently adjust the frequency range of a filtered trace, the adjustment must be made from the Plan Session screen.

To adjust frequency ranges during live or replay training, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the filtered trace to be adjust by pressing the up or down arrow keys.
  2. Once a trace is selected, use Ctrl+Shift+Left or Ctrl+Shift+Right to adjust the low value of the frequency range. To adjust the high value, press Ctrl+Shift+Down or Ctrl+Shift+Up.
  3. When completed, press Enter to deselect the filtered trace and apply the adjustment.

It is also possible to adjust the ‘step size’ at which adjustments can be made. Adjustments are .5 hz by default and can be made larger or smaller as needed.

To adjust the frequency step size:

  1. Press E on the keyboard during a live or replay session.
  2. Use the arrow keys to select Frequency Step Size, then adjust to the desired amount.
  3. Once adjusted, press E to close the popup window and return to the wave screen.
  4. Now, select the filtered trace to adjust and use Ctrl+Arrows to adjust it as required.

Session Planning Basics


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