DVDGame Customizations

All games compatible with EEGer have options that clinicians can use to tailor the experience permanently, for a single session, or on a client-by-client basis. By their nature, some games have more variables to customize than others; we encourage you to experiment with the different options available within EEGer!

Once the game you wish to customize has been installed you can edit it by navigating to Tools>Tailor Installed Games from the main screen of EEGer. This will display a list of installed games and several options for saving, deleting, and reordering the list of games. To edit a game, find it in the list and click the small Edit button by its name (or double-click the game's title). A new window will appear with a list of the different options and parameters that the clinician can set for the game.

Once you have finished making changes to a game, there are a few options for saving it at the bottom of the screen:

  1. Create New Selection - This will add a new game to the list including the customizations you made. The original game will still be available on the list of games, meaning you can select either game when running a session. It's important to rename the custom game if using this option so it is easier to tell them apart! You can rename a game by editing Option 2: What You want to call this tailored game.
  2. Replace Selection With Changes - This overrides the original game so that only the customized game is available to select.
  3. Quit Without Saving Changes - Selecting this option will discard custom changes while preserving the original game.

Tailoring DVDGame

Below you will find popular options which you can adjust to change DVDGame. We recommend naming and saving these changes as new selections, then working with your clients to determine if they prefer the changes over the default game. You can also run custom games in replay mode to see how they perform prior to trying them with a client.

Option 80: Allows you to set the minimum time between reward beeps (in seconds) - If you would like to leave reward beeps on but a client finds them distracting or happening too often, this option can be increased to limit the number of reward sounds.

Option 1701: Controls which feedback overlay to display when the client falls out of reward. By default, this is set to fade to white. Additional options are to fade to black, blur the screen, or show an overlay atop the image. If using the overlay feature, Option 1700 allows you to select the overlay to use. If using MPC-HC rather than VLC Player, you will be unable to select blur or overlay as an option.

Options 1702-1704: These options can be adjusted to limit how obscure the video becomes and how quickly the overlay transitions as the client goes in and out of reward. If you believe the feedback overlay is transitioning too fast or slow, these would be the options to adjust. Option 1704 is commonly adjusted by clinicians to prevent the screen from becoming too obscured (by default, the overlay can completely obscure the video).

Option 1707: Enabling this option will pause the video/DVD when EEGer is paused using F5. By default, the movie will continue to play whether the session is being ran or not.

Option 1708: If you would like to disable reward sounds because the client finds it distracting, you can use this option to disable it and just play the sound from the video/DVD.

Option 1711: If a client falls out of a rewardable state, enabling this option will pause the video/DVD outright. Some clinicians prefer this option because it's more binary whether a client is in or out of reward, as apposed to a fading overlay. This option can be frustrating, however, if the video is constantly pausing as the client falls out of reward - This may not work with some configurations currently, but we are doing testing to determine why this may be the case.

Option 2021: Like in all games, you can change the sound file which plays when a client is in a rewardable state. By default this is the 'beep' sound, but there are several sounds it can be changed to. It is even possible to add your own sounds!


Single Monitor & Dual Monitor Mode


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