Choosing Between Two-Channel & Four-Channel Training

Selecting an appropriate EEG amplifier is important when starting your neurofeedback journey. EEGer is compatible with many different models of amplifiers, so the choice largely depends on what type of training you plan to do with the system.

A ‘channel’ refers to an amplifier’s ability to measure activity at a specific location. A two-channel amplifier is able to actively monitor two locations on the scalp at once, where a four-channel amplifier can actively monitor four locations at once. Because a four-channel amplifier is able to measure more locations simultaneously, it enables advanced training plans which require monitoring or training many sites at once.

While four-channel amplifiers are more expensive than two-channel amplifiers, they also have the ability of doing standard single-channel and two-channel training too. This means that choosing a four-channel amplifier provides more possibilities down the road but doesn’t complicate or change the learning process if starting with single-channel or two-channel training.

It is not possible to upgrade an amplifier from two-channel to four-channel, so a clinician who starts with a two-channel device and wants to try four-channel training in the future will need to purchase a whole new amplifier, which can be expensive. For clinicians who see themselves performing four-channel training in the future, it may be best to invest in the amplifier when starting out to save purchasing another device in the future.

Ultimately, we recommend consulting with a clinical mentor, colleague, or instructor for help making a decision about which type of amplifier to purchase. If you will be using EEGer in a Home Use configuration, ask your supervising clinician which type of amplifier is right for the training plan you will perform.


Home Use Checklist (Home Use With EEGer Overview)


Alpha-Theta Basics