Adjusting 4mation Grid Fill Style

4mation allows for the following grid fill styles:

  1. Ordered: Tiles will be revealed from top-left to bottom-right in sequential order when rewards are earned.
  2. Random: Each time a reward is earned, a random tile will be revealed.
  3. Weighted: The first tile revealed will be at a random place in the grid. Subsequent tiles will be revealed adjacent to revealed tiles until the entire grid is revealed.

To adjust the grid fill style, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to Tools>Tailor Installed Games from the top toolbar of EEGer's main screen.
  2. A list of games will appear. Press the Edit button next to the 4mation game to make the adjustment to.
  3. A list of configuration options will appear. Locate option 1131 Grid filling style - by default, this will be set to ORDERED.
  4. Click on the currently selected grid fill style to open a list of available styles. Select the desired style and press OK to return to the list of configuration options.
  5. If desired, rename the game using option 2 What You want to call this tailored game to have this configuration appear as a unique game.
  6. At the bottom of the menu, press Create new selection to create a unique game configuration. To override the existing configuration, select Replace selection with changes.
  7. On the list of games, press SAVE all games to apply changes.

Boat Race Appearing ‘Glitchy’ or With a Black Background


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